Fast Forward Ent - Green Races

Fast Forward Ent - Green Races
Fast Forward Ent - Green Races
  • New Condition
  • Hard Cover Book
  • Requires the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Third Edition from |Wizards of the Coast for use

  • Green Races is a D20 System campaign setting where monstrous races vie for power and control of its many dungeons, ruins, caverns and lairs
  • Fifteen unique Green Races factions - goblins, ogres, gnolls, trolls, and more - are fully described with background, exciting new prestige classes, armies, and a dungeon or lair to protect
  • Monstrous characters move up through the ranks to rule entire races
  • Look for other modules, character sheets, screens and accessories to expand your gaming experience

Your Price$38.40