Tasco 1460L - Prepared Glass Slides

Tasco 1460L - Prepared Glass Slides
Tasco 1460L - Prepared Glass Slides

Take a trip through the wonders of the microscope world with this exciting array of 36 assorted specimens 
  • 12 Prepared Slides
  • You will need a microscope to see these slides.
Most Tasco microscopes come with kits containing a wealth of preparation materials for all sorts of rewarding projects and experiments.

To supplement these, Tasco also offers a variety of microscope accessories to further facilitate fun-and-science investigation.

Choose any or all of these accessory items...they will add to your hours of enjoyment and discovery, and lead to fascinating - often unpredictable - answers.

Delve into the little known world of microscopic flora and fauna : insects, shrimp and frogs - bits of plants and fibers.

Your Price$20.00